May 29, 2021
Sunday Mind calibration - Hand copying "EVERYTHING That You Are Wanting Is ON ITS WAY!' -
It is actually the law of attraction bringing them into your vibrational frequency where you interpret them and they feel like your thoughts that you are thinking do your year this you talk too much. You are trying to figure this stuff out too much.
In the constant chatter about it you overthink it and what mean by this is every subject is really two subjects. What is wanted and the absence of what is wanted so sometimes you might think you are talking about being more prosperous when actually what you are feeling is not enough prosperity and you are trying to convince the universe through your effort and through your words. The prosperity should be yours. so sometimes when you are talking about what you think is prosperity you`re actually just beating the drum of not having enough of something that you want and so that`s why you`re so wise when you say I need to be aware of how I feel so if the conversation is fun if it`s pleasant, keep doing it but if it`s not if it`s what we really here`s an easy way of looking at it. if it`s an effort to focus then there`s resistance present that you`re trying to overcome with your effort and you most likely doing yourself more detriment than you benefit because your desires are activated but you`re on the other end of the stick. Does the make sense to you?
All of us are focused with you toward the outcome that you are seeking and that if you are just relaxed, impulse come to you. Ideas will come to you. Rendezvous will be inspired with you.
Everything that you are wanting not just to get to the end result that you think you are looking for but for a really fun journey along the way to the never-ending result.
To t he never-ending result, just fun now, and we are to understand that grinding away on a problem, try to get a solution by pointing out with all the evidence and justification what`s wrong the problem is not the way you get to the solution. And the way you feel by now is probably giving you an awareness of that you say here you are in your physical body as an extension of source energy but that larger part that you are an extension are still exists in the non-physical realm in the vibrational realm and still stands in a pure by your standards vibration, in other words, there`s no resistance in that vibration of your core of source.
So when you identify that you want something source acknowledges that you want it knows that it is vibrationally yours and holds no vibration of doubt at all about it so the way you feel is your indication. Always one hundred percent of the time of the time of whether you are in tune with the way the larger part of you sees this whatever it is you`re thinking about or whether you`re not if you`re in turn with it.
Then you feel enthusiasm, or you feel at a minimum peacefulness and satisfaction. You feel clarity, you feel satisfaction about it you see, but if you are feeling doubt or worry or if you`re feeling like you need to justify it or explain it to someone or defend it if you are pointing out all of the reasons why it should be these reasons where it isn't feel so off to you then you`re practising a vibration that`s so different from the vibration of the source who is on it that you can feel that discord instead of that resonance with what you want. So then we began explaining to you that you are since you are vibrational beings that you`ve created a vibrational reality that will manifest into your experience if you will give it a little while and if you will not beat it to death with your doubt and fear and worry in other words, it will, whatever you want will occur, it will come into your experience. If you find vibrational alignment with it, and you can tell by the way you feel whether you`re finding vibrational alignment with your desire. Or whether you`re not in other words, the better you feel the more alignment and the more consistently you feel that alignment then the faster it`s coming and the more satisfying it is along the way. Some of you were not very excited about our explanation of your vibrational version and we don`t blame you because we know you didn`t come here to be vibrational versions, you came to be manifested versions. I'm supposed to be having fun right now. You came to enjoy your life, you came to feel the progress, you focused yourself into a time and space reality. Because it`s fun to measure distances and spaces and progress, it's fun to feel the evolutions of your beingness. That`s why you are here in this time-space reality. We are not trying to get you to go into the vortex we just feel good about what you`ve dreamed up and feel satisfied even though it hasn`t manifested. That is our message at all. Our message is about the surest fastest, funniest way for you to manifest your heart`s desire. Because the source within you is already focused upon your heart`s desire and in fact the reason that you can even feel negative emotion is because you`re not focused upon it, while the source within you is. Step two is the source becomes a vibrational equivalent of it, and law of attraction gathers all of the cooperative components and there is a vibrational version of what you want.
Now oh you want to realize it with your physical sense oh
You want to know about what real creation is about what real birthing is, You want to understand how things go from thought into manifestation. It's the debate that`s heavy in your world.
Talking about what`s happening right now, are you the realized of what and which you call source have created? Are you on your trajectory of well-being or you off of it and so that`s what we talk about all day every day/ (6:20)
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